Journey Book

Hi Guys! Here you will find the journey book pages that I have completed.
Crystal Sands
The completed page, Prize is a lemonade stand.

The Macaw can be found next to the pet wash on roof, It usually flys from the cave to the roof. It comes out randomly.
Cacao Tree is on left side of the hut.
Sand Dollars are between the two slides, at the bottom.
Tapir can be found coming out of the cave, and sit down near the rocks on a path of flowers. It comes out randomly.
Sugar Cane can be found near the cacao tree, on the left side.
Flamingo is on the water, you need to come out to sea to see the flamingo.
Tide pool is is on the right side and it is next to the aquarium.
Centipede can be found crawling on the roof of the pet wash.
It comes out randomly.
Igauna can be found on the top of the hut's roof.It comes out randomly.
Basilisk can be found running from the slide until the bush next to the pet wash. It comes out randomly.
Crab can found crawling under the aquarium, and can be found crawling out of the aquarium. It comes out randomly.
Watch the video to help!

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